đź“ťQuote: having a proper job title helps underrepresented folks


Being Glue — No Idea Blog

Second: a job title. If she and her manager want her to continue doing a lot of glue work, is there a title that gives her tech credibility? Can she become technical lead or something? People expect a lead to do a ton of glue.

Ok, there are probably some people reading this and thinking titles don’t matter. And maybe you don’t need them, internet person! But that doesn’t mean other people don’t.

Look. If you’re a white or Asian dude, everyone assumes you’re good at coding, just by default. You could have graduated yesterday with a degree in law, and people assume you can code.

For the rest of us, we don’t get that free assumption. A job title saves time and energy that we don’t need to spend putting our credentials on the table. It gives us some hours back in our week.

And it gives us some freedom to do glue work without people deciding we’re “not technical enough” any more.

If you’re telling underrepresented folks in your org that titles don’t matter, you’re doing them a disservice. Titles matter a ton.
