đź“–Glamorous Toolkit Live #2: Inspector views & working with a REST API
- 0:02:58
(would be nice if it is possible to copy-paste different objects into playground/code)
- 0:09:15
inline “fix it” button
- 0:09:36
creates class and opens editing inline (in expand)
- 0:10:53
you can have a good development experience from the playground. You can create classes, etc without leaving playground
- 0:16:16
code editing is still mostly text, but you only edit small portions of the code
- 0:19:45
(how to create views that execute arbitrary code? list directory / execute http request)
- 0:21:13
“object playground” to quickly execute code (even as you edit other code)
- 0:23:22
(how to deal with recursive views?)
- 0:24:25
when creating class, use the same package by default
- 0:28:01
code highlighting is a little bit flaky (flashes on screen)
- 0:32:43
“entity” to get the object “behind” the current one
- 0:39:23
code is mostly edited from the playground—there is always a
to play with
- đź“ť Glamorous toolkit