đź“–Sketching User Experiences: The Workbook

Greenberg, Saul


  • carry sketchbook at all times

  • real progress in developing as an interaction designer depends on how much ideas you interact with

  • best practices:

    • carry at all times (or second small sketchbook)

    • always have a pencil

    • sketch frequently

    • annotate drawings

    • do not erase

    • sketchbook is for design only

  • 3B pencil is the most popular (allows varying the line width/intensity easily)

  • 10 + 10: a warm-up

    • sketch 10 competing (different) ideas

    • out of 10 ideas, pick one

    • draw 10 more sketches with details or alternatives

  • scribble: sketch the main idea quickly (like 30 seconds quick)

    • the drawing doesn’t have to be understandable to anyone else

    • exercise: do more scribbles often

  • photo sampling to capture ideas

    • bad design

    • good design

    • what inspires you

  • screenshot, photo, scan, print, clip. add to your sketchbook or a separate scrapbook

  • collecting real objects

  • you can maintain two shared/private sketchbooks

  • drawing levels:

    • from memory

    • what you think you see

    • what you actually see (rotate image upside-down and copy lines)

  • Don’t worry if the sketch is text-heavy. If it helps, it serves its function.

  • when collaborating, sitting around the table helps all to draw simultaneously.

  • photo traces

  • state transition diagram

    • simple (text-only)

    • visual

    • annotated

    • indexed (visual part (or another state machine) is separated from the state machine)

    • implicit by layout (comic books)

  • adding conversation frames adds context

  • sketching narrative

    • 5 is a good default for number of frames (forces to think of the essence)

    • 1 frame is the beginning, sets the context, use wide shot

    • 2,3 develop story

    • 4 climax

    • 5 end. wide shot

  • shots:

    • extreme long (wide)

    • long

    • medium

    • over-the-shoulder

    • point of view (POV)

    • close-up

  • when creating animation (slides) make sure the sketches do not jump around. (create template and copy it)

  • uncovering initial mental model:

    • introduce the sketch briefly and ask people to explain, in detail, their understanding of every visual element on the screen.

  • for Wizard of Oz simulation, you don’t have to hide the wizard.

  • wizard can simply respond with how system behaves (DnD style)

  • “by listening to participants think and plan, you can examine their expectations for your product, as well as their intentions and their problem solving strategies.” (p. 235)

  • Practical Guide to Usability Testing by Dunais and Redish

  • Have storyboards available for review and feedback
