📖Notes on: Group versus individual performance on tasks requiring ideational proficiency (brainstorming): a review

Lamm, Helmut and Trommsdorff, Gisela
  • Production blocking. In a normal discussion setting, the implicit rule is that only one person should talk at a time. This means that when one member is talking, all other participants’ (overt) production of ideas is being blocked.

  • Larger groups perform even better working individually.

    Group size. Bouchard and Hare (1970) compared real and nominal brainstorming groups of the sizes 5, 7, and 9. They found that, as group size increased, the superiority of nominal over real groups with regard to quantity became larger (a significant interaction between group size and group type). Nominal groups performed better with increasing size but this was not true of real groups. These results were replicated by Bouchard, Barsaloux and Drauden (in press).

    • this supports that production blocking is an important factor
