📖The Slight Edge

Jeff Olson
  • ch.1 When we see that we’re approaching failure, we start doing things that help. But we only do them until we get out of “failure” to “survival” (or “almost success”) and then stop. If we were to continue doing these small simple things, they would’ve brought us up to success.

  • p.21 There are two prevalent types of attitudes: entitles and value-driven. Entitled attitude “pay me more and I’ll work harder”, value-driven attitude says “I’ll work harder and I expect you to pay me more”. Value-driven attitude asks “what can I do to help you?”, entitled attitude asks “what have you done for me lately?”

  • ch.2

    You philosophy creates your attitudes, which create your actions, which create your results, which create your life.

  • p.195 supportive environment is important. Information-only courses produce less change (e.g., alcoholics anonymous has an extensive peer support program for a reason)