📖Notes on: “Graphs, Metagraphs, RAM, CPU” by Linas Vepštas

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  • Hypergraphs: edges/links are ordered list of vertices/nodes (0 or more arity)

    • (This can be used to “type” edges/links. As otherwise, edges have no distinct identity beside a list of targets.)

  • Metagraphs: edges/links are allowed to reference other edges/links

  • Graphs can be represented as metagraphs, and metagraphs can be represented as graphs. However, storing graphs as metagraphs incurs a small overhead, while storing metagraphs as graphs has a high overhead.

  • NoSQL is a dual of SQL (coSQL). References: Erik Meijer and Gavin Bierman, “A co-Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks”, ACM Databases, 9, 2011, URL https://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=1961297.

  • Most query languages are implicitly designed around tables (drawing inspiration from SQL) and are limiting their usefulness as a graph query language.

  • p.39 Sapir–Whorf Hypothesis: language influences speakers’ worldview and cognition. In the same way, the query language limits how you approach the problem.