📖The religion of tomorrow: a vision for the future of the great traditions-more inclusive, more comprehensive, more complete
- authors
- Wilber, Ken
- year
- 2017
- url
- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1611803004/
- tags
p.63 two axes of development (growth axes) → Wilber’s axes of development
structures of consciousness (growing up)
states of consciousness (waking up)
structure of consciousness is a lens through which we see the world (grammar)
p.64 people interpret states of consciousness through their stage of structure of consciousness
p.65 people have multiple intelligences (lines) and they evolve through the same stages (growing up)
shadows → clean up
p.70 dis-identifying from aggression (meditation) makes person depressed
psychotherapy could be a good addition to meditation
Integral stage (Yellow) is 5% of the population now and will increase to 10% within a decade
when a stage reaches 10% of the population, that provokes structural changes in society
spiritual intelligence vs. spiritual states
amber (blue) — mythical-literal (interprets myths literally)