📝Being strict in accepted input allows finding errors


Quirks, Caveats, and Gotchas In SQLite

Postel’s Law:

Be liberal in what you accept, and conservative in what you send. —Jon Postel

However, being strict in accepted input allows finding more errors (which is a good thing).


  • Example from Quirks, Caveats, and Gotchas In SQLite:

    10. Dubious SQL Is Allowed Without Any Error Or Warning

    The original implementation of SQLite sought to follow Postel’s Law which states in part “Be liberal in what you accept”. This used to be considered good design - that a system would accept dodgy inputs and try to do the best it could without complaining too much. But lately, people have come to realize that it is sometimes better to be strict in what you accept, so as to more easily find errors in the input.
