📖Interview and Q&A with Sönke Ahrens on How to Take Smart Notes

Ahrens, Sönke, and Forte, Tiago
  • 13:48 the main surprise about Zettelkasten is that there is no surprises. It’s simple and that works, there is no magic formula. There is no hidden secret.

  • you need to adjust it to your own needs

  • hierarchy is no problem. it’s just doesn’t have to be set

  • what people get wrong

    • people are hard on themselves for not having a perfect system

    • search for a perfect system

    • difficulties is not an issue—it’s just a learning curve

  • ~27 how to start

    • you don’t have to transfer all your old notes, at least not immediately

    • try to externalize what you already know, don’t start from the blank page

    • you can start from the top (have a project/topic and go top-down)

    • look for a problem in the field / where you can contribute / what bothers you. this gives you a kind of focus/filter

  • see your zettelkasten as a dialog

  • 37:00 people tend to read what they know already

    • (ask other people for the most controversial/weird book?)

  • how to get insights?
