📖Sönke Ahrens | zettelkasten | база знаний | философия

Ahrens, Sönke, and Agamaliev, Rustam
  • 9:15 hyperlinks as a misleading trend

  • ~15:00 mostly interested in thinking, even though the book is marketed for productivity

  • 15:40 decentralized ideas

    • every ideas has to be compared with seemingly similar ideas

    • instead of using idea/topic as a filter (re: confirmation bias)

    • ~17:00 comparing ideas in brain is hard because our brain is good for finding similarities but differences

      • comparing written notes is easy

    • forces you to be rigorous with terms and definitions

  • ~22:00 MOCs as a place to think about interconnectedness

    • graph might be functional equivalent (but I don’t think it provides a place to think—it just shows)

  • ~26:00 permanent/literature notes

    • at the beginning, knowledge base is more about other’s ideas

    • separation of literature/permanent notes forces a switch of frame to your own thinking

      • this might be unfamiliar at first

      • forces to focus on own ideas

  • ~32:00 the role of questions

    • simple questions are legit

    • rhetorical questions can be answered

      • “why he writes so complicated?”

    • “what question the author is trying to answer?”

    • “what can I know?” “how should I live?”

      • “what have I learned?” “how should I apply?”

  • (stopped at 48:54)