📖Managing Oneself

Drucker, Peter


  • We have more freedom now, but that means we ought to manage our own lives, careers, know our strong side and values. To be short, we have to be our own CEOs.

  • Use feedback analysis:

    • When making a decision, write it down along the expected results.

    • 9 or 12 months later, compare results

    • this helps to identify strengths

  • Concentrate on you strength

  • work on improving strength

  • identify where intellectual arrogance causes ignorance

  • remedy bad habits

  • identify lack of manners?

    • manners are like oil that removes friction

    • if work fails as soon as cooperation is involved, that is a sign for a lack of courtesy (учтивость/вежливость)

  • do not improve in the areas where you have little talent

    • it’s hard to get from incompetence to mediocre

    • better concentrate on moving from first-rate performance to excellence

    • (not sure I agree here)

  • How do I perform?

    • Reader or listener

      • if you’re a reader---prepare for questions beforehand (have them written)

    • How do I learn

      • writers learn by writing (taking notes?)

      • learn by doing

      • learn by hearing themselves talk

    • Do I work well with people, or am I a loner? If I do, in what relationship?

      • leader

      • subordinate

      • coach/mentor

    • Do I produce results as decision maker or advisor?

    • Do I perform well under stress or do I need predictable environment?

    • Big organization or small?

  • do not try to change yourself. work hard to improve the way you perform

  • What are my values?

    • What kind of person do I want to see in the mirror in the morning?

      • e.g., short-term vs. long-term result

      • check how this aligns with organization you’re working at

      • put values before own strengths (what point in doing the wrong thing?)

  • Where do I belong?

    • learn answers to previous questions and align yourself

    • learn where you do NOT belong and reject positions

    • when you accept position, notify how the job will be done (that’s because you are who you are)

  • What should I contribute?

    • plan

    • a plan can usually cover no more than 18 months

    • “where and how can I achieve results that will make difference in the next year and a half?”

      • results should be hard to achieve (but within reach)

      • the result should be meaningful

      • result should be visible (ideally, measurable)

  • Responsibility for relationship

    • accept the fact that people are as much individuals as you yourself are

      • (you should know the strengths and weaknesses of your coworkers)

      • managing the “boss”—learn his strengths and style and adjust

    • take responsibility for communication

      • know (ask) and explain what your and others’ goals are, what are your values, why that is important, etc.

        • (ask this about everyone you work with)

  • The second half of your life

    • there is basically no retirement now

    • your enemy is boredom

    • develop a second career (people need community and challenge)

      1. move to new career

      2. develop a parallel career

      3. social entrepreneurs

        • less old job

        • more new nonprofit

      (other options are “retire on the job” or actual retirement)

    • you must be prepared long before

    • another benefit of second career is that they help live through major setbacks (more options, diversification)